
Postpartum Osteopathy

Osteopathy postpartum to help you through the adaptions of giving birth.

About our postpartum osteopathy

We have been in the Kew and Richmond area for over 10 years treating local people with all kinds of injuries and pain.

Finding your body's balance after childbirth can be a challenge, given all of the demands, changes and adaptions the body has faced over the last 9 months. An extremely important recovery phase must follow and it is worthy of attention. Osteopathy in the postpartum and breastfeeding periods can help speed up this recovery and reduce aches and pains that can often appear during this delicate phase.

If you have any questions please email or call our reception team.

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More info about our postpartum osteopathy

Changes to the body

The birth, and the period after the birth can have a significant impact on the female body. The physiological and structural demands on the body during childbirth can be compared with that of a sporting performance of a high-level sportsperson.

What does the osteopath do?

Osteopathy treatment will take into consideration the different physiological effects to the viscera, circulatory and lymphatic systems that pregnancy and childbirth has had on the body. Treatment has the overall aim to rebalance the musculoskeletal system including the pelvic floor weaknesses and urinary disorders.

Another point on which the osteopath works with particular attention is the diaphragm which has been compressed by the growth of the foetus. Our manipulations and massage of the diaphragm allows for better respiratory functionality which is fundamental during and after the birth to help the mother release physical and emotional tension.

It has often been observed that gynaecological problems (endometriosis, ovulatory pain or pelvic infections of various kinds) can present as pains in the pelvis and vertebral column as the main complaint by the patient.

This is due to the "viscero-somatic reflexes" that involve the spinal segments responsible for the innervation of the viscera and also the muscles in the spine and pelvis. Osteopaths will work on the symptomatic muscles and joints in the spine and pelvis in order to reduce somatic dysfunctions deriving from the visceral-somatic reflexes. This gives the osteopathic approach a unique advantage in the management of patients with gynaecological and obstetric problems.

Postpartum osteopathy to help you through the adaptions of giving birth.
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